The company said that it was about to deliver on its promise to produce a car which will cost Rs 1 lakh. The Ratan Tata’s dream project has seen several difficulties but they say that they are on track to deliver the car sometime next year.
But the much touted TATA Rs one lakh car would be unveiled at the Auto Expo in New Delhi on January 10.Tata say the current most favoured name within the company is the Tata Jeh.
Tata 1 Lakh car will resemble a production version of Tata’s 1998 Zing concept car. It will be a 5-door hatchback but there will be very little space behind the rear seats for a boot. In fact, even rear bench space is expected to be at a premium, making the car a 2+2 of sorts.
Definitely a pure A to B city car with the distance between A to B limited to short journeys where you do not need to carry any luggage. Not a balik kampung car, definitely. The car will be built on a rear engine rear wheel drive platform and will be powered by a two-cylinder engine.
Two of these two-cylinder engines will be offered - a 660cc 2-cylinder petrol and the world’s first low-cost 700cc two-cylinder common rail diesel engine with a special low cost common rail system developed by Bosch. Bosch will also apply a fuel injection system called “value motronic” for the 660cc petrol unit which will be power by 4 gears
Ratan Tata’s dream project -TATA 1 lakh car jeh has given Average in internal company tests, the petrol version managed to achieve a fuel efficiency of 26 km travelled per liter of fuel consumed. The diesel version is expected to be even better.
Tata Sons Chairman Ratan Tata has said it should not be impossible for the world's cheapest (Rs one lakh) car to co-exist with prestigious brands like Jaguar and Land Rover despite an image disparity.
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